7th Annual DC Walk

October 12, 2019
National Harbor, DC
Thank you Team MollyK for participating in Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation‘s DC Walk 2019 at National Harbor. The event was a huge success with 530+ participants and over $130k raised in total. Our team had over 100 participants and raised $20K! Thank you to all the fantastic volunteers, including photographers Chriss Knisley and Kara Galles! Thank you to our in-kind donors: Wegmans, Barrel Oak Winery, 2 Silos Brewing Co, Chuy’s, Harilal Kapuria(Dunkin Donuts), Amita Satasia(Subway), Manisha Shah (Subway)! Thank you also to those that contributed but weren’t able to participate in-person. We very much appreciate your support and please know that, together, we will find a cure for Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Link to photos:
From Facebook page here.